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Survival Phrases


Telephone Telefon
To phone Telefonirati
To call Zvati
Telephone call Telefonski poziv
Telephone number Broj telefona
Telephone directory Telefonski imenik
Telephone booth Telefonska govornica
Dialing tone Signal za telefoniranje
Busy signal Zauzeta veza
The signal is busy. Veza je zauzeta.
Hold the line Budite na vezi
Call waiting Poziv u čekanju
To ring Zvoniti
To hang up Prekinuti vezu
Hello! Halo / molim
Can I make a phone call? Mogu li da telefoniram?
I want to make a phone call to the US. Hoću da zovem Ameriku.
I want to call back Hoću da zovem ponovo.
What are the phone charges? perminute Koliko košta telefoniranje po minutu?
I have been cut off. Prekinula mi se veza.
I want to call collect. Hoću da zovem na njihov račun.
What is the area code for Belgrade? Koji je pozivni broj za Beograd?
The area code for Belgrade is 011. Pozivni broj za Beograd je 011.
Do you have a cell phone? Imate li mobilni telefon?
Where can I buy a prepaid card? Gde se mogu kupiti kartice za dopunu za mobilni telefon?
How much do prepaid cards cost? Koliko koštaju kartice za dopunu?
I want to buy a prepaid card for the cell phone. Hoću da kupim karticu za dopunu za mobilni telefon.


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